Saturday, March 14, 2009

101 years old and counting!!

This is Brian's grandpa. He is 101 years old and counting!!! We went and saw him last Sunday and he wanted a picture with Makaylee. They are five months shy of being 101 years apart, crazy!!! His hearing and sight are not that great anymore but the man is still quick and definitely still has his sense of humor!!
This is four generations!

Makaylee was fascinated with her new friend, I had to warn him not to get to close or she might claw him with her daggers we call fingernails (I cut them almost every week)!!


The Reimers Family said...

What an amazing picture! That will be one that you will treasure for years to come!

Emily Hamilton said...

101 years...that's impressive! I love the four generation picture. You will keep these pictures forever.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Wow! Great genes! McKaylee is so cute!